Talks and Presentations

List of peer-reviewed presentations (enumerated) and invited talks or other conference contributions (bulleted). Student co-authors are indicated by an asterisk. Talks are in person unless otherwise indicated. A map of events is available at the end.


(90) “Reading Comprehension as Embodied Action: Exploratory Findings on Nonlinear Eye Movement Dynamics and Comprehension of Scientific Texts.” [with Moritz Bammel] Conference on Complex Systems 2024, in Exeter, England (September 2-6, 2024)

(89) “Model-target relations reconceived: rethinking the ontology and epistemology of scientific modeling.” XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE), in Oviedo, Spain (July 16-19, 2024)

(88) “The Reflexivity Frontier in 4E Cognition.” Symposium Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of 4E Cognitive Science. XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE), in Oviedo, Spain (July 16-19, 2024)

(87) “Deflating deflationism: A radical artifactualist reading of Suarez’s inferentialism.” Symposium Inference and Representation in Modeling Science. XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE), in Oviedo, Spain (July 16-19, 2024)

  • Organizer and chair of symposium Inference and Representation in Modeling Science. XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE), in Oviedo, Spain (July 16-19, 2024)

(X) “Radical Empiricism Repeatedly Misunderstood.” [with Vicente Raja] The Fifteenth Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS), in Vienna, Austria (July 09-12, 2024). [talk accepted; unable to attend]

(86) “Scientific Expertise as Habit.” Symposium Reading, Learning, Thinking: Making Sense of Intellectual Expertise. The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA), in Trondheim, Norway (25–28 June 2024)

  • Organizer and chair of symposium Reading, Learning, Thinking: Making Sense of Intellectual Expertise. The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA), in Trondheim, Norway (25–28 June 2024)

  • Co-organizer of the workshop Dimensions of Radical Embodiment, at the University of Murcia, Spain (June 19-21, 2024)

  • Co-organizer of the online workshop PRISM: Perspectivism and Realism In Science and Mind (June 4 and 11, 2024)

  • Invited talk “William James was not a Jamesian: James’s legacy and the boundaries of mind” at the University of Oviedo, Spain (May 29, 2024)

  • Invited talk “Causal Pattern Realism and Artifactualism without Representationalism” at the Artifacts, Models and Materiality workshop, University of Vienna, Austria (May 23-24, 2024)

  • Invited talk “William James was not a Jamesian: James’s legacy and the boundaries of mind” at the University of the Basque Country, Spain (May 16, 2024)

  • Invited commentary '’Enaction, Reflexivity and the Utopian vs. Scientific Distinction’‘ at CLEA Invites (April 10, 2024)

  • Invited talk “Extended Minds, Ecological Psychology and Naturalized Philosophy of Science.” at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (March 18, 2024)

  • Invited talk “Extended Minds, Ecological Psychology and Naturalized Philosophy of Science” at Tilburg University, Netherlands (March 13, 2024)

  • Invited talk “Extended Minds, Ecological Psychology and Naturalized Philosophy of Science” at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands (March 6, 2024)

  • Invited talk “Model-target relations reconceived: rethinking the ontology and epistemology of scientific modeling” at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (January 24, 2024)

  • Invited commentary on “The limits of reductionism in the scientific controversies of pain” by Alberto Monterde Fuertes. 1st Conference of the Philosophy of Science Network (FICIRED), at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (January 22-23, 2024).

(85) “Extended Minds, Ecological Psychology and Naturalized Epistemology of Science.” 1st Conference of the Philosophy of Science Network (FICIRED), at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (January 22-23, 2024).

  • Invited talk “Embodied cognition, representation, and model-based learning” at the University of Vienna, Austria (January 16, 2024)


  • Invited talk “How WEIRD is Psychology?” (with Ed Baggs) at the “ReproducibiliTEA” series, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen, Netherlands (November 16, 2023)

  • Invited talk “The Role of Embodied Cognition in Naturalized Philosophy of Science” at the Department of Philosophy, University of Oviedo, Spain (November 8, 2023)

(84) “Two Species of Realism.” [with Vicente Raja] The 9th Biennial Meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association, in Belgrade, Serbia (September 20-23, 2023).

(83) “Perception-Action Coupling and the Dynamicist/Computationalist Divide.” [with Bilal Arafaat* and Klaus Gramann; poster] Cognitive Science Society 2023 meeting, in Sydney, Australia (July 26 – 29, 2023)

(82) “How WEIRD is Cognitive Science?.” [with Ed Baggs; poster] Cognitive Science Society 2023 meeting, in Sydney, Australia (July 26 – 29, 2023)

(81) “Reading Comprehension as Embodied Action: Exploratory Findings on Nonlinear Eye Movement Dynamics and Comprehension of Scientific Texts.” [with Moritz Bammel*; poster] Cognitive Science Society 2023 meeting, in Sydney, Australia (July 26 – 29, 2023)

(80) “Ecological Psychology and Cognition in Context: Theoretical Foundations and Meta-Theoretical Implications.” Symposium Embodied Cognition in Context. Cognitive Science Society 2023 meeting, in Sydney, Australia (July 26 – 29, 2023)


(79) “Habit, Development and Epistemic Agency: On Becoming a Scientist.” Workshop Rethinking Conscious Agency: The Architecture of Skilled Action. Universitat de Barcelona, in Spain (April 28-29, 2022)

(78) “The Lab as a Behavior Setting: Steps Toward Reflexivity in Ecological Psychology.” Workshop Being Where: Revisiting Behavior Setting Theory. Roskilde University, in Denmark (April 25-26, 2022)


(77) “Affordances in the Wild: Sociocultural Constitution and the Anthropological Contribution to Embodied Cognitive Science.” 5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Cognitive and Language Sciences. University of Warsaw, Poland. (September 15-19, 2021) [online]

(76) “Insight in Graph Comprehension as a Phase Transition.” [with Paul Schweidler*] Workshop Enacting Chance: Ignorance Insight and Intuition. Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands. (August 23-27, 2021)

(75) “Affordances in the wild: Anthropological Contributions to Embodied Cognitive Science.” 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (July 29 - August 1, 2021) [online]

(74) “Reconceiving modeling: From representation to enaction and construction.” Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science annual meeting. University of Alberta, Canada. (May 29 - June 2, 2021) [online]

(73) “Affordances in the wild: Theoretical and methodological implications of ethnographic considerations.” 63rd TeaP: Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen / German Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Ulm University, Germany (March 14-16, 2021) [online]

(72) “Explanatory Diversity in Embodied Cognitive Science: Taking Situation Seriously Motivates Pluralism.” Workshop on the Methodology of Situated Cognition Research. University of Kassel, Germany (March 3-4, 2021) [online]

  • Invited talk “Embodied Cognition and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Methods, and Applications.” Colloquium series, Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (January 13, 2021) [online]


(71) “Radical Embodiment and the Relation Between Individual and Joint Action: A Level-Neutral Approach.” 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Virtual Meeting (July 29 - August 1, 2020)


(70) “Ecological Computational Thinking.” Recent Developments in Situated Cognition – Empirical and Philosophical Investigations. Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (September 23-26, 2019)

(69) “Bee-ing in the World: Phenomenology, Cognitive Science, and Interactivity in a Novel Insect-Tracking Task.” [with Chris Riehm and Colin Annand] 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Montreal, Canada (July 24-27, 2019)

(68) “Bee-ing in the World: A Phenomenological-Ecological Investigation of Sensorimotor Unity in a Novel Insect-Tracking Task.” [with Chris Riehm; poster] International Conference on Perception and Action. Groningen, Netherlands (July 3-6, 2019)

  • Invited talk “Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty walk into a lab… Philosophy, Dynamics, and Embodied Cognition.” Human Interactivity and Language Lab meeting. University of Warsaw, Poland (June 27, 2019)

  • Invited talk “Representation in Mind and in Science: An Artifactual Alternative.” Seminar on the Philosophy of Cognitive Science IFiS PAN. University of Warsaw, Poland (June 24, 2019)

(67) “What You See Isn’t Always What You Get: Embodied Cognition and Computer-Based Climate Change Education.” Next Earth: Teaching Climate Change Across the Disciplines. University of California, Santa Barbara (June 10-30, 2019)

(66) “Anti-Psychologism, Distributed Cognition, and the Cognitive/Social Divide.” Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science annual meeting. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (June 1-3, 2019)

(65) “Habit, Health, and Sustainability: A Defense of Pragmatist Environmentalism.” Environmental Studies Association of Canada annual meeting. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (June 3-5, 2019)

(64) “Ecological Computational Thinking: Information and Exploration in Visualization and Simulation.” Eighth Annual Midwest Cognitive Science Conference. The Ohio State University, USA (May 24-26, 2019)

(63) “Embodiment, Synergies, and the Prospect of Meaningful Shared Experience in Virtual Reality.” [with Chris Rhiem] Online workshop: “Humans in a Technological World: The Anthropology of Technics.” Jagiellonian University, in Poland (May 8-10, 2019)

(62) “Scientific Representation, Mental Representation, and Embodied Cognition.” [poster] American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting. Vancouver, Canada (April 17-20, 2019)

  • Co-chair of Graduate Student Council panel “Interdisciplinarity and Philosophy: Training, Research, Teaching, and Service “ at the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division 2019 meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada (April 17-20, 2019)

  • Invited talk “Ecological Computational Thinking: Information and Exploration in Visualization and Simulation.” CAP Center Guy Van Orden Conference. University of Cincinnati, OH, USA (March 29, 2019)

(61) “Being in the Virtual World: An Action-Based Measure of Presence in Virtual Reality.” [co-authored with Chris Riehm] 111th Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology: psychology program. Cincinnati, OH, USA (March 7-9, 2019)

(60) “Scientific Representation, Mental Representation, and Embodied Cognition.” 111th Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology: philosophy program. Cincinnati, OH, USA (March 7-9, 2019)

  • Co-chair of Graduate Student Council panel “Surviving and Thriving in Grad School” at the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division 2019 meeting. New York, NY, USA (January 7-10, 2019)


(59) “Scientific Representation, Mental Representation, and Embodied Cognition.” Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia (December 5-7, 2018)

(58) “Making Artifactualism Leaner and Meaner.” 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Seattle, WA, USA (November 1-4, 2018)

  • Chair of session Society of Mind 2.0, at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Seattle, WA, USA (November 1-4, 2018)

(57) “Scientific Representation, Mental Representation, and Embodied Cognition.” MBR’18: Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Seville, Spain (October 24-26, 2018)

(56) “The Cognition-Perception Distinction Across Paradigms: An Ecological View” [poster; co-authored with Vicente Raja] 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI, USA (July 25-28, 2018)

(55) “Emotion as a Form of Perception: Why William James was not a Jamesian.” 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI, USA (July 25-28, 2018)

(54) “Ecological Psychology and the Environmentalist Promise of Affordances.” 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI, USA (July 25-28, 2018)

(53) “Artifactualism and Philosophy of Science in Practice.” Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Seventh Conference. University of Ghent, Belgium (June 29-July 2, 2018)

(52) “Ecological Psychology and Enactivism: Compatibility and Normativity.” TRACE (Transdisciplinary Research Association on Cognition and Embodiment) Workshop on Normativity in Situated and Embodied Cognition. Universite Libre de Bruxelles, in Brussels, Belgium (June 27-28, 2018)

(51) “The ‘Occult’ and the ‘Manifest’ in Early Modern Science: Reassessing the Contrast and Mersenne’s Contribution.” Scientiae: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World annual meeting. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA (May 16-19, 2018)

(50) “Enactivism and/as Science” [poster]. Enactivism: Theory and Performance conference. University of Memphis, TN, USA (March 15-17, 2018)

  • Chair of Colloquium “Neuroscience, Mind, and Attention” at the American Philosophical Association, Central Division 2018 meeting. Chicago, USA (February 21-24, 2018)

  • Invited talk “Scientific Modeling without Representationalism.” HumanitiesNow: Taft Research Center annual meeting. University of Cincinnati, OH, USA (February 20-21, 2018)


(49) “Go Big AND Go Home? The Biome Problem and its Metaphysical and Epistemological Roots.” International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) 2017 meeting. Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil (July 16-21, 2017)

(48) “Ecological Psychology and the Environmentalist Promise of ‘Affordances’” International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) 2017 meeting. Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil (July 16-21, 2017)

(47) “Ecological Psychology and the Environmentalist Promise of ‘Affordances’” Environmental Studies Association of Canada. Toronto, Canada (May 30-June 1, 2017)

(46) “What Medieval Maps Teach Us About Contemporary Science.” Canadian Society of Medievalists annual meeting. Toronto, Canada (May 27-29, 2017)

(45) “No Safety in Numbers? Mathematical Skepticism in Cartesian Physics and Contemporary Environmental Modeling.” Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science annual meeting. Toronto, Canada (May 27-29, 2017)

(44) “Forensic Neuroimaging as a 21st-Century Lombroso-style Criminal Anthropology.” Canadian Society for the History of Medicine conference. Toronto, Canada (May 27-29, 2017)

(43) “The ‘Occult’ and the ‘Manifest’ in Early Modern Science: Reassessing the Contrast and Mersenne’s Contribution.” Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies annual meeting. Toronto, Canada (May 27-29, 2017)

(42) “The ‘Occult’ and the ‘Manifest’ in Early Modern Science: Reassessing the Contrast and Mersenne’s Contribution.” International Conference “Translation in Science, Science in Translation”. University of Giessen, Germany (March 30-31, 2017)

(41) “Forensic Neuroimaging as a 21st-Century Lombroso-style Criminal Anthropology.” 60th annual meeting of the Midwest Junto for the History of Science. Indiana University, Bloomington, USA (March 24-26, 2017)

(40) “Emotion as a Form of Perception, or Why William James Did Not Believe the James-Lange Theory.” American Philosophical Association, Central Division. Kansas City, MO, USA (March 1-4, 2017)

  • Invited talk “Representationalism and the Analogy Between Scientific Models and Maps.” HumanitiesNow: Taft Research Center annual meeting. University of Cincinnati, OH, USA (February 9-10, 2017)


(39) “Correlation, Causal Mechanisms, and Explanation: Making Sense of Big Data through Complexity Science.” “Algorithms in Culture” conference. University of California - Berkeley, USA (December 1-2, 2016)

(38) “Modeling without Representationalism” [poster]. 25th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Atlanta, GA, USA (November 3-5, 2016)

(37) “On the ‘Ecological’ in Ecological Psychology: A Gibsonian Environmentalism for the Anthropocene?” 20th annual meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy. Salt Lake City, UT, USA (October 22-24, 2016)

(36) “No Safety in Numbers? Mathematical Skepticism in Cartesian Physics and Contemporary Environmental Modeling.” 7th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Prague, Czech Republic (September 22-24, 2016)

(35) “Gibson’s Reasons for Realism and Gibsonian Reasons for Anti-Realism: An Ecological Approach to Model-Based Reasoning in Science” [poster]. 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Philadelphia, PA, USA (August 11-13, 2016)

(34) “On the Analogy between Scientific Models and Maps: Insights from Medieval Cartography and Post-Representational Cartographic Epistemology.” 11th Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS). University of Minnesota, USA (June 22-25, 2016)

(33) “Representation and the Analogy between Scientific Models and Maps: Insights from Cartographic Epistemology and Practice.” Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Sixth Conference. Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, USA (June 17-19, 2016)

(32) “Metaphysical “Models” and the Problematic Comparison with Science: Diagrams, Graphs, and Vectors between Communication and Experimentation.” Ohio Philosophical Association 2016 Annual Meeting. Otterbein University, in Westerville, OH, USA (April 9, 2016)

(31) “Philosophy in Brazil, Brazilian Philosophy, and the Latin American Context.” 36th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. Part of panel “Iberian and Latin American Philosophy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives” co-organized with Vicente Raja. University of Cincinnati, OH, USA (April 8, 2016)

(30) “From Myth to Map: The Carta Pisana, and the Artifactual Turn in Medieval Geography.” The 42nd Annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium: Medieval Natures. The University of the South, Sewanee, TN, USA (April 1-2, 2016)

(29) “Action, Attention, and Intention in a Direct-Perception Perspective.” Mississippi Philosophical Association meeting: “Attention”. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA (March 18-19, 2016)


(28) “Scientific Models: Against Fictionalism and Representationalism.” Workshop: “The Roots of Fiction: Possibilities and Imagination”. University of Macau, China (December 5-6, 2015)

(27) “Scientific Models, (Anti)Fictionalism, and the Distinct Questions of Representation and Mediation.” Illinois Philosophical Association. Eastern Illinois University, in Charleston, IL (November 13-14, 2015)

(26) “A Little Less Representation, A Little More Action Possibilities: Taking the Artefactual View of Scientific Models Seriously.” 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, CLMPS 2015. Helsinki, Finland (August 3-8, 2015)

(25) “Data, Simulation, and Representation: Against Model-Based Measurement.” Workshop “The Making of Measurement”. University of Cambridge, England (July 23-24, 2015)

(24) “A Little Less Representation, A Little More Action Possibilities: Taking the Artefactual View of Scientific Models Seriously.” MBR’015: Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Sestri Levante, Italy (June 25-27, 2015)

(23) “Ecological Psychology, Extended Cognition, and Objectivity: A Challenge to the Realism-Relativism Dichotomy.” 8th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg (MuST) Conference in Philosophy of Science: Objectivity in Science. Tilburg University, Netherlands (June 10-12, 2015)

(22) “Scaffolds, not Fictions: Mediation and Representation in Scientific Modeling.” Binocular Conference 2015: Staging Science. University of Toronto, Canada (June 5-6, 2015)

(21) “Cognitive Institutions and the Realism-Relativism Dichotomy.” STGlobal: Science & Technology in Society—Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in Washington, DC, USA (April 10-11, 2015)

(20) “A Little Less Representation, A Little More Action Possibilities: Taking the Artefactual View of Scientific Models Seriously.” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. New Orleans, LA, USA (April 2-4, 2015)


(19) “Fictions in Model-Based Scientific Reasoning: A Continuum-Hypothetical Approach.” Joint Conference of the Latin American Association for Analytic Philosophy (ALFAn) and the Brazilian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SBFA). Fortaleza, Brazil (May 27-30, 2014)

(18) “Embodied, Embedded, Extended Problem-Solving: Toward a Unified Account of Ordinary and Scientific Cognition” [poster]. American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting. San Diego, CA, USA (April 16-20, 2014)


(17) “The Persistence of Mindreading in Ratcliffe’s Non-Mindreading-Based Embodied-Situated Model of Interpersonal Understanding.” Tennessee Philosophical Association. Vanderbilt University – Nashville, TN, USA (Oct 25-26, 2013)

(16) “Globalization, Humanitarianism, and Cross-Cultural Issues in the Categorization of Diseases: The Case of Psychopathology.” International Health Organisations and the History of Health and Medicine. Shanghai University – Shanghai, China (Oct 18-20, 2013)

(15) “The Persistence of Mindreading in Ratcliffe’s Non-Mindreading-Based Embodied-Situated Model of Interpersonal Understanding.” Central States Philosophical Association. Oklahoma State University – Tulsa, OK, USA (Oct 4-5, 2013)

  • Invited commentary on ``Fiction, Counterfactuals, and Fiction As Counterfactuals’’ by Jared Henderson. Central States Philosophical Association. Oklahoma State University. Tulsa, OK, USA (Oct 4-5, 2013)

(14) “Is There Life Before Death?: Ivan Illich on Health, Medicalization, and Mortality.” Three Rivers Philosophy Conference 2013: Death – The Reality of an Idea. University of South Carolina – Columbia, SC, USA (April 12-14, 2013)

(X) “Continuum-Hypothetical Explanatory Pluralism.” Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium: Science Fiction & Fictions in Science; Panel “Imagination in Explanation”. Rutgers University – New Brunswick, NJ, USA (March 1, 2013) – [paper accepted; unable to attend]

(13) “The Bad and The Ugly: The Born Criminal in Cesare Lombroso’s Criminal Anthropology.” GEA New Voices Conference 2013: Monsters, Villains & Aberrations; Panel “(Re)Figuring Criminality and Villainy: Faces of Evil Past and Present”. Georgia State University – Atlanta, GA, USA (January 18, 2013)


(12) “Is There Life Before Death?: Ivan Illich on Health, Medicalization, and Mortality.” Ernest G. Welch Interdisciplinary Symposium on Death. Georgia State University – Atlanta, GA, USA (December 14-15, 2012)

(11) “Interaction and Mental State Attributions: Social Aspects of Folk Psychology” [in Portuguese]. 1st Congress of the Philosophical Society of Uruguay. Montevideo, Uruguay (May 10-12, 2012)


(10) “Descriptions of Events: Opacity of Intentions in Davidson, and Predicative Sentences in Anscombe” [in Portuguese]. 13th International Meeting on Pragmatism. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) – São Paulo, Brazil (November 10, 2011)

(9) “Consciousness, Mindreading, and Propositionality” [in Portuguese]. VII International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action. São Paulo State University (UNESP) – Marilia, Brazil (November 1, 2011)

(8) “Events: True Descriptions, Relevant Descriptions” [in Portuguese]. 5th Graduate Seminar in Logic and Metaphysics. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (October 27, 2011)

(7) “Events, Actions, and Descriptions” [in Portuguese]. VII Graduate Philosophy Seminar. Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) – São Carlos, Brazil (October 4, 2011)

(6) “Events and Attempts” [in Portuguese]. II National Colloquium in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR) – Maringá, Brazil (September 27, 2011)


(5) “Freedom to Act and Freedom to Think – Moral Responsibility, Reason, and Involuntary Beliefs.” Phi Sigma Tau – 1st Annual Student Philosophy Conference. University of North Texas – Denton, TX, USA (November 12-13, 2010)

(4) “Freedom to Act and Freedom to Think – Moral Responsibility, Reason, and the Involuntariness of Emotions and Beliefs” at the Long Island Philosophical Society – Fall 2010 Meeting. New York Institute of Technology – Old Westbury, NY, USA (November 6, 2010)

(3) “The Role of Intention in Emotions and Beliefs and Its Ethical Implications” [in Portuguese]. 8th National Meeting for Research in Philosophy. Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) – Belo Horizonte, Brazil (October 25-29, 2010)

(2) “Beliefs and Actions: Imagine All the People Acting Morally.” 8th Annual Philosophy Student Conference: “Agency, Freedom, and Ethics”. University of New Mexico – Albuquerque, NM, USA (February 6, 2010)


(1) “Belief and Action – An Overview of the Dispositional Perspective” [in Portuguese]. 14th Modern and Contemporary Philosophy Symposium. State University of West Paraná (UNIOESTE) – Toledo, Brazil (October 26-30, 2009)