Interaction and Mental State Attributions: Social Aspects of Folk Psychology

Published in Actas del Primer Congreso de la Sociedad Filosofica del Uruguay, 2012

Recommended citation: Sanches de Oliveira, Guilherme (2012). "Interaction and Mental State Attributions: Social Aspects of Folk Psychology." ctas del Primer Congreso de la Sociedad Filosofica del Uruguay. ISSN: 1688-9649.

Matthew Rattcliffe defends that Folk Psychology is incompatible with ordinary interpersonal understanding, which he says is more fundamentally interactive and interpretative according to the social rules of the shared environment than based on mental state attributions. In this paper I examine Ratcliffe’s position, arguing that his rejection of mindreading is unjustified; although it is right that coordinated action can be a result of mere contextual comprehension, there are cases in which there is no interpersonal understanding exactly because of failed mindreading, thus making clear the importance of mental state attributions.

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Recommended citation: Sanches de Oliveira, G. (2012). Interaction and Mental State Attributions: Social Aspects of Folk Psychology. C. Caorsi, R. Navia, P. Melogno (Eds.), Actas del Primer Congreso de la Sociedad Filosofica del Uruguay. ISSN: 1688-9649.